Support Type
Support NFT T&C
1. Game result will be announced on 8:00 pm every Wednesday and Saturday.
2. Deadline of support is 0:00 am every Wednesday and Saturday.
3. Players are allowed to support one or more NFT on same draw date. With minimum 1 USDT onwards.
4. Prizes won are based on total amount supported on winning NFT.
Support Jackpot T&C
1. 5% of total winning prize will be allocated to jackpot prize pool.
2. Prize structure
- Gold Pool: 70% of pool
- Silver Pool: 20% of pool
- Bronze Pool: 10% of pool
3. Prize not won will be brought forward to next draw.
4. Prize will be allocated to multiple winners for same prize.
5. 20% of total support will be allocated to prize pool for next draw if prize won on current draw date.